2009 : The Worst Indonesian Election

Jakarta - Election 2009 print making history as the highest record number golput party democracy throughout history. A number of non-governmental organizations even as the rate in 2009 Election worst election throughout history.

"April 9 elections yesterday that disability. Golput high number of people and may be highest in Indonesia for this," said Chalid Muhammad, the Board of changes, at the conference, the House Eat Koetaradja, Jakarta, Sunday (12 / 4).

He said that, this year's election is the worst since the reform scrolling. That is, after the election takes place twice, as the KPU
executant votes do not have good management.

"So here have seen the technical management of disability. Where is the loss of rights because there was no sound in the DPT and
exchange ballot. KPU was passed, however," said former Executive Director of the National Walhi.

Not only the KPU, according to him, which is blameworthy. Government, in this case the Ministry of Home Affairs is also responsible must follow. For the data to remove the DPT is based on data issued by the Ministry.

"This defect, called a political determination. Where the government proposed the DPT data from the Ministry. However, no further data cleaning process by the Ministry with the KPU. And here the government in power seemed to make notwithstanding against worst this election process," said Chalid Muhammad.

In addition to rate it as a mistake the government and the KPU, Chalid rate also chip in a political party contribution. For, do not check the data since early DPT.

"The time is long enough. Currently, only people-oriented results of the survey only. Idleness political party that does not perform checks on the data since early DPT. Time when there is enough length.


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